Creating a new, empty VM for installing Windows Vista.
The new VM in the VirtualBox main window. Note that an ISO file (containing the Vista setup CD) has been mounted as the VM's CD-ROM drive.
After starting the VM, it boots off the virtual CD-ROM (the ISO file with the Vista setup), and Vista Setup starts up.
Vista is installing into the virtual hard drive.
Vista install complete: the log-on screen.
Compiling VirtualBox on Ubuntu Edgy Eft in VirtualBox on Windows XP.
Details of a snapshot performed after Vista installation. We can revert the virtual machine to this snapshot at a later time.
Damn Small Linux 2.0 works damn well in VirtualBox!
The Virtual Disk Manager allows you to work with VM images.
VirtualBox in Vista inside VirtualBox on XP? Perhaps some day...
A first alpha version of VirtualBox for Mac OS X. We hope to have a first working beta available soon.
A community-based effort is underway to port VirtualBox to OS/2 hosts. This screenshot shows a first alpha version.
User Manual (current development snapshot, updated 2007-03-14)
VirtualBox binaries
The VirtualBox binaries are available free of charge for personal and evaluation use. By downloading from the below links, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL).

User Manual (current development snapshot, updated 2007-03-14)
VirtualBox binaries
The VirtualBox binaries are available free of charge for personal and evaluation use. By downloading from the below links, you agree to the terms and conditions set forth by the VirtualBox Personal Use and Evaluation License (PUEL).
- VirtualBox 1.3.8 for Linux Hosts:
You will need to install some additional libraries on your Linux system in order to run VirtualBox - in particular, you will need libxalan-c, libxerces-c and version 5 of libstdc++. How to install these will depend on the Linux distribution you are using.See the changelog for what has changed. Older versions of VirtualBox can be found on this separate page.